
Friday, September 14, 2018

The wooden arms

Wooden Arms

Write a paragraph describing the setting from the story ‘Wooden arms’
Use descriptive words to describe the setting you have drawn.

Descriptive words list.

Heavy wood
Shining in the sun
Old house
Proud home
Broken marae
Smooth path way
Sharp axe
Long trees
Smooth grass
Big large marae

Paragraph starter.
The whare stood. A proud
And strong house was in the middle of the forest and there was alone women who lived by the city. She had a home that had heavy wood that looked like a marae. The sun was shining at the house it looked like it was yellow. When the sun was shining at the house the first time it looked like it was broken and old. After that it turned into a church the house was blue and white. By the church there was a smooth path way heaps of long trees and smooth grass. After that there was a man that had a sharp axe who was cutting some tree.

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